The LIDAR scanning capabilities of the new iPhone 12 Pro and 2020 iPad Pros are really incredible. I’ve been experimenting myself, and this led to some interesting projects at space150. I wrote about my first experiment in a previous post, you can see that here. In my view, LIDAR on iOS devices is great for mobile AR today, but is really a step towards bigger things, and is a critical ingredient for future AR specific devices.

I was asked to give an overview of the experiments and learnings at the MN VR monthly meetup, so I put together a deck, and presented this to the entire crew in the MN VR Theater in Altspace.

A short clip of the MN VR Theater in Altspace

Altspace is one of the few places that you can meet in VR that allows large groups, your own content, and supports the Oculus Quest. It’s really (really) clunky to get your content into Altspace, but I managed to get all 94 slides in, and many of them were videos.

This presentation was meant to serve as a quick intro to LIDAR, then we got deep into the details. The discussion that happened throughout is always the best part, and we were still able to do this in VR, which is amazing, and shows how powerful VR can be for meeting and hanging out - in a way that’s just different than video calls.

I’ve had a few requests for the slides, so here is the full presentation below - videos have been replaced with short animated clips.